Two films that I had watched last weekend , it brought me some thought , a simple one ( I always don't like to make things too complcated :P )
Laws & cultures have been impose strictly control human , and human used it to play trick !
I believe , in every centuries , people are trying to jump out of the traditional thought , be the unique and special one , doing something that other may think not , weird , unacceptable .
No formula can guide any of us in our life .
No doubt but God is the only source !
No doubt as well the unique one has to work more harder in their life~
The Merchant of Venice was played by William Shakespeare ( the film is not ) and the story is back to the 16 th century. I can't fully agree on what the film had said, no one can pronouced other to be Christian , If the man himself was not . A comedy ~which I would rate it 3/5 .
"Mona lisa Smile " , A film that tells story of girls , story about woman right ?
I would say more than this ,while the story was taling about the art pieces , at the moment I do wish that I could have more free time on doing painting !( anyway, i can't paint well :P) it reminds me about "dream " , don't limited it with age , relationship status , finance ( may be you need to :P) . A touching story and worth to watch , rate: 3/5
Different people has different perspective , it really depend ~ like it or not , you to decided :)