Sway With Lois: My Meal ~

Saturday, December 30, 2006

My Meal ~

step of cooking spaghetti : hahahhahaha?

First , well prepare the ingredient that you like ~unfortunately that I didn't have much with me , let see the picture above ....there are a slice of bacon (cut into small piece or mince) , orange pepper ( you can choose yellow , red , purple, green ....whatever you like...if you can get more than this hahahhaha) , 2 tomatoes cut up into small grain ( prepare as the fresh tomato sauce ) , handful of cheese , and also some olive in small slip .

I got this small box of cheese from KLCC cool storage , it should be the type of cheese for mixing in salad . Anyway ,I still tried it on my spaghetti............not tasty at all...hahahaha.

Next , as you can see from the picture above , cook the "protagonist" of this dish .....tang tang tang tang ...spaghetti loh ......it would be better if you can boil the spaghetti in a deep cauldron for 8~10 min( I don't have it in my apartment ~) and for easy to peel off the tomatoes , you can boil it together for 5 min . Or you could put the tomatoes into the ice water ( i saw it from chinese cooking program , but never try it before ) .

SEE~ after boiled for 5 min , the tomatoes 's skin is automatically peel off

After the spaghetti is well prepared , I also added in some kelp ~ it is my fancy ! Sometime , I would add some WASABI too ...... Then , you can start cooking the sauce , fry the ingredient in the first picture add in the chopped up tomatoes also adding in some tomatoes sauce ( you can use the tin one or normal bottle one ) , some pepper and salt .

ok, finally .............enjoy it !

Pictures Below were my breakfast ~


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