Sway With Lois: our future ! BB be concern !

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

our future ! BB be concern !

All the BB officers please concern on the information below , it's very important !
Please Pray for God on the BB ministry .

Taken from The Book Of Wong
For more information , feel free to drop in officer Wong 's blog ~

"AKTA 668 - Akta Pertubuhan Belia dan Pembangunan Belia 2007" (or The Youth Act 2007) was enacted on July 26, 2007. This means that, as of 26 July 2007, The Youth Act 2007 is a law of Malaysia.

AKTA 668 - Akta Pertubuhan Belia dan Pembangunan Belia 2007" (or The Youth Act 2007) 是法定于二零零七年七月二十六日。 这代表在马来西亚的法律 Youth Act 已在二零零七年生效了。

What is this about? 这是什麽?
Some major points to note about The Youth Act 2007:


  • The law defines “youth” as those between the ages of 15 to 40
  • 在法律的定义, “青少年”的年龄是介于15 -40 岁。
  • A Youth Organization is considered as:
  • 一个青少年组织 是:
  1. any organisation that has the name 'Youth' or something which means 'Youth',

任何取名于 “青少年”的 组织,这必须是限于“青少年”。

  1. its members are between the ages of 15 to 40,

这组织的成员是在15-40 岁之间,

  1. has an objective of conducting youth activities

有目标 地举办任何的青少年活动。

  • All Office Bearers (EXCOs/Leaders/Top “Official Positions”) of youth organisations and its branches must be members of the organization, and hence must be between the ages of 15 to 40.
  • 所有在青少年组织里的军官(行政会议成员/ 领导 /高层)必须是在15-40 岁之间。
  • All current YOUTH ORGANISATIONS registered under the Registrar of Societies (ROS), like Boys’ Brigade Malaysia, will be required to register under the Registrar of Youth (ROY). The Registrar of Societies (ROS) will no longer register nor recognise any youth organizations.
  • 当前 所有注册在ROS 的“青少年组织”, 正如马来西亚男少年军 将被要求注册在ROY 之下。ROS将不会再对青少年组织给于注册和承认。

Why should you be concerned? 为何你需要关注此事?
Some facts that you need to consider carefully that will have an impact on the BB:


  • Our members are from the ages of 6 (pre-junior) to above 40 years old (Officers, Captains, State Commissioners, BBM EXCO).
  • 现任男少年军队员 的年龄层 是从6 岁(幼儿组)到40 以上(军官,队长,区主席 和马来西亚男少年军的行政会议成员)

  • What will happen to our members aged 14 and below? How about those above 40 years old? Will they still be our Members?
  • 14岁以下的队员和40 岁以上的领袖 该怎麽办?他们是否还是我们的成员?

  • For those above 40 (like the majority of our EXCO), if they still want to contribute to the Boys’ Brigade, how can they?
  • 40岁以上且愿意为少年军服事的成员(例如现任大多数的行政会议成员), 他们该怎麽办?

  • Do we have enough willing Officers under 40 years old to take up state and national responsibilities?
  • 马来西亚男少年军是否有足够年龄低于40 岁的军官愿意担任起 区域和全国的职位?

  • How about those BB Companies without any officers 40 and below?
  • 尚若有一些分队是完全没有40 岁以下的军官,该怎麽办?

  • If BB is not registered under the ROY and no longer recognized by the ROS, can we still exist? Will we be recognised by the government? Can we go into schools?
  • 如果男少年军不是注册于ROY 和不再被承认于 ROS,我们的组织是否还存在?我们是否被政府承认?我们是否能够进入学校?

What can you do? 你能为此作什麽呢?
Fellow BB members, the implications are serious and needs your serious thoughts and relevant action.

亲爱的少年军成员, 这牵连甚重! 请您慎重的 思考和采取相关的行动。

  1. Please pray that God will be in control of this situation.

为着这个情况向上帝祷告, 求神支配。

  1. Pray that God will grant all attending the EGM (State and National) wisdom and courage to do what’s right for BBM’s future

求神赐智慧给出席EGM 的成员和有勇气对马来西亚少年军的未来作出对的 决则。

  1. Attend – or ensure that your company is represented at – the EGM

务必出席! 保你分队有任何的代表出席EGM

  1. Spread the news of this far and wide so that all BB Members and Officers are fully aware of the situation and are playing their part in taking action

请把此消息传下去, 让所有的男少年军队员和军官们 对这有所醒觉 在行动中扮演自己的角色。

  1. For Officers aged 20s and 30s, they need to come forward to take up office in the local company, state and national level.

介于20-30岁之间的军官们, 他们必须担起当地分队,区域和全国性的阶层。

For more information, please contact BBM HQ



Blogger Officer Wong said...

Po Ling,

I've updated with more news on the Youth Act 2007 and its impact on The Book of Wong.

4:43 pm  

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